Prayers of Devotion to,
Our Lady of the Rosary
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1. Devotional Prayer to Our Lady of the Holy Rosary
Holy Mary, at the sound of your
voice, Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit, and the baby in her womb leapt
for joy. Visit us as you visited the home of Elizabeth. During our earthly
pilgrimage towards God’s kingdom, may we magnify the Lord whose greatness
endures from age to age, who lifts up the lowly, fills the starving with good
things, and comes to the help of His servants.
Our Lady of the Rosary, Our Mother, first disciple of your Son Jesus, intercede for us in our most earnest request, (mention your intentions).
May we, in turn, heed your unceasing call to do whatever your son tells us to do. With your powerful intercession, we believe that what is most difficult can be done, what we have overlooked, you cannot miss, what is meaningless, bitter, or painful can be transformed into fulfillment, gratitude, and joy. Amen.
2. Devotional Prayer Petitions to Our Lady of the Rosary (Philippines)
You accepted the message of the
angel. May each member of our family recognize his personal annunciation and be
given the grace to fulfill his life’s vocation.
That we may follow whatever your son tells us to do.
You presented your newborn Son to the shepherds and the wise men. May the birth of your Son in every person’s heart enhance our dignity and perfect us with his grace.
That we may follow whatever your son tells us to do.
You found Jesus in the temple sitting among the teachers, may the youthful Christ become our model in childlikeness, inspiration in honest work, and the end of all our searching.
That we may follow whatever you son tells us to do.
By the agony of Christ in the garden, may we find in prayer and in one another a reliable source of strength and support especially in our moments of crises and despair.
That we may follow whatever you son tells us to do.
By the crowning with thorns of
your Son, may we overcome the sins of vanity, the false crown of pride, the
thorns of impurity, and the wounds of injustice.
That we may follow whatever you son tells us to do.
By the crucifixion of your Son, may we obtain the grace of forgiveness at the hour of our death and the consolation of your promise to the repentant thief: “Truly, I say to you, today you shall be with me in paradise.”
That we may follow whatever your son tells us to do.
By the resurrection of your Son, may we turn our weakness into strength, indifference into involvement, oppression into freedom, defeat into victory.
That we may follow whatever your Son tells us to do.
By the Spirit’s descent on the Apostles, may we put our personal gifts and resources at the service of church and society.
That we may follow whatever your Son tells us to do.
Queen of the Holy Rosary, Mother of God, through your motherly care for all mankind, help us to be caring stewards of the beauty and bounty of the earth.
That we may follow whatever your Son tells us to do.
Final Petitions
A. Dear Queen of the Holy Rosary
We gather as one people who
celebrate a battle fought and won; a vow made and fulfilled; a time remembered
and kept alive; love received and returned; your patronage sought and thanked
for; God praised, God adored.
Mahal naming Ina. As our lips move in whispered prayers, our hands over beads, our knees bend, our eyes look up to you, we plead for your mercy, your grace, your love.
B. O Mother of Peace,
Give birth to God in our hearts. Give birth to Peace in our world. Give birth to the world who heals all strife, conquers sin with love, overcomes death, brings us life! As once you interceded for the victory of faith in these islands, pray for us, now, in our struggle for truth and justice, for peace and love of Christ.
C. O Queen of the Philippines.
In your loving hands, you hold Jesus, our God, our King, our Savior. You hold Him for us to adore and serve, to love and find salvation in. O Mother and Queen, our hearts may be small, but our love is enormous. And we ask you to come and take your place in us, in the company of your beloved Son; to bless us with your abiding presence; to fill us and keep us in your love and protection; to lead us in the eternal Fiat and Magnificat to God, in whose name we gather. Amen.
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