Prayers of Devotion to
Martin De Porres
1. Prayer to St. Martin
Most glorious Martin de Porres, whose burning charity embraced not only they
needy brethren, but also the very animals of the field, splendid example of
charity, we hail thee and invoke thee! From that high throne which thou
dost occupy, deign to listen to the supplications of thy needy brethren that, by
imitating thy virtues, we may live contented in that state in which God has
placed us and carrying with strength and courage our cross, we may follow in the
foot steps of Our Blessed Redeemer and His most afflicted Mother, that at last
we may reach the Kingdom of Heaven through the merits of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
2. Prayer to St. Martin for
O God, Who has given us in Your humble Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Model
of all virtue and perfection, grant to us the virtue of humility. We think
so little You because we are so full of self. We cannot love You more
until humility shows us our own nothingness and makes us rejoice in our complete
dependence upon you.
You have given to the world a glorious apostle of humility, Saint Martin de Porres. Guide us by his example and strengthen us through his intercession in our efforts to conform our hearts to the humble Heart of Your crucified Son.
Renew, O Lord, in these days, when pride and forgetfulness of You are so widespread, the wonders which You performed through Your humble servant, Martin de Porres, during his lifetime. We thank You for performing through his intercession the miracles needed for his canonization so that all the world may know of Saint Martin and of the surpassing value of the virtue of humility. Through the same Christ Our Lord. Amen.