Novena Prayer to Saint Dymphna - 1
Prayer of Preparation
It is you, great and all-powerful God, whom we worship in paying veneration to your saints. Our many sins and failings keep us ever conscious of our need for the help of the blessed in heaven. Their earthly lives give us reason to hope more firmly, to imitate their example more closely, and to seek their aid more confidently in our present trials. We ask the favor of your grace, most loving Father, in this novena of prayer in honor of St. Dymphna. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Novena Prayer
Dear St. Dymphna, I come to you daily during this novena to
expose my wants and troubles. I firmly believe that your delicate charity will
hear my plea for help.
You know the temporal and spiritual favors I need at this time. Look down graciously upon me and obtain these favors for me from God, the infinitely kind giver of all good things.
O blessed St. Dymphna, I trust in your protection to be preserved from all bodily and spiritual perils. May I be just and prudent, patient and strong, gentle and kind. From you I await inspiration and encouragement to pursue my vocation, to give glory to my Creator, and to win eternal salvation.
Be mindful of me especially in the dangers and needs of the present hour. Assist me during life and at the hour of death, that it may be well with me for everlasting years. Amen.
First Day
Intention: Holiness of Life
Thought: Be filled with the Spirit. (Ephesians 5:18)
Prayer: Dear St. Dymphna, I can’t really say I want the title, “Saint,” before my name. It will be enough if I get a toehold in heaven.
Yet, almighty God calls me to holiness. This is His will for me, that I become a saint. I’m ashamed to admit that I’ve given this too little serious thought. I’ve been content with half-measures.
But thanks be to God, there is yet time. My Maker still preserves the breath of life within me. Every heartbeat is a sign that He still wishes I shall become holy.
Remind me, dear Saint, that holiness is an inside thing: my soul’s progress in Christ-likeness. Remind me that holiness calls for teamwork; God wants me to work together with Him. Finally, may I remember always that holiness is positive: to focus more on doing good than on not-doing evil.
Pray for me that I may be numbered among the Lord’s saints forever. Amen.
Reflection: With God’s grace and St. Dymphna’s aid, try to do well some routine tasks of your place in life, especially some you may find particularly distasteful.
Day Two
Novena Prayer
Dear St. Dymphna, I come to you daily during this novena to expose my wants and troubles. I firmly believe that your delicate charity will hear my plea for help.
You know the temporal and spiritual favors I need at this time. Look down graciously upon me and obtain these favors for me from God, the infinitely kind giver of all good things.
O blessed St. Dymphna, I trust in your protection to be preserved from all bodily and spiritual perils. May I be just and prudent, patient and strong, gentle and kind. From you I await inspiration and encouragement to pursue my vocation, to give glory to my Creator, and to win eternal salvation.
Be mindful of me especially in the dangers and needs of the present hour. Assist me during life and at the hour of death, that it may be well with me for everlasting years. Amen.
Intention: Love of God and Neighbor
Thought: A man that does not love his brother that he can see, cannot love God whom he has never seen. (John 4:20)
Prayer: Dear St. Dymphna, you are a special friend and intercessor in heaven. I am confident that you will heed my plea for growth in love of God and neighbor.
First, please help me to develop a deep, personal love for the Lord my God. May my love for Him endure in all moods and situations. Let me cling to Him no matter what He does or permits, what He gives or withdraws.
And, then, assist me in loving my fellowmen more sincerely. Obtain for me an understanding heart, filled with true compassion and concern for others. Let me never write anyone off because of human flaws or shortcomings. May I avoid being a burden to anyone, but always show myself willing to relive the cares of other wayfarers on the journey of life.
I ask all these graces in the name of Jesus Christ, through whom all good things come. Amen.
Reflection: We prove our love not in words alone, but in our daily actions. We can measure how well we love God by how we act to the person we most dislike.
Day Three
Novena Prayer
Dear St. Dymphna, I come to you daily during this novena to expose my wants and troubles. I firmly believe that your delicate charity will hear my plea for help.
You know the temporal and spiritual favors I need at this time. Look down graciously upon me and obtain these favors for me from God, the infinitely kind giver of all good things.
O blessed St. Dymphna, I trust in your protection to be preserved from all bodily and spiritual perils. May I be just and prudent, patient and strong, gentle and kind. From you I await inspiration and encouragement to pursue my vocation, to give glory to my Creator, and to win eternal salvation.
Be mindful of me especially in the dangers and needs of the present hour. Assist me during life and at the hour of death, that it may be well with me for everlasting years. Amen.
Intention: Acceptance of God’s Will
Thought: Do not let your heart be troubled. (John 14:27)
Prayer: Dear St. Dymphna, I firmly believe that God holds our destinies in His hands. He arranges everything for our good here or hereafter. He presides at the sparrow’s fall and over everything that happens to us.
And yet, I find it hard at times to accept His doings. When I face pain or sorrow, I’m inclined to question His will. I feel He ought to deal with me differently.
May I appeal to you, then, for help in accepting His will as a true Christian should? Teach me to welcome my Father’s visitations no matter what the manner of His coming to me.
Show me how all the bits of life’s jigsaw puzzle have God’s signature on them, and how each falls into place. With your gracious help I shall give my Lord a free hand to arrange for my life’s joyful and sorrowful mysteries. Then, after earth’s exile, may I receive the reward promised those who do His holy will. Amen.
Reflection: God’s will may sometimes strike us as harsh or puzzling. Accept His will as our peace. He who sees all knows what is best for us.
Day Four
Novena Prayer
Dear St. Dymphna, I come to you daily during this novena to
expose my wants and troubles. I firmly believe that your delicate charity will
hear my plea for help.
You know the temporal and spiritual favors I need at this time. Look down graciously upon me and obtain these favors for me from God, the infinitely kind giver of all good things.
O blessed St. Dymphna, I trust in your protection to be preserved from all bodily and spiritual perils. May I be just and prudent, patient and strong, gentle and kind. From you I await inspiration and encouragement to pursue my vocation, to give glory to my Creator, and to win eternal salvation.
Be mindful of me especially in the dangers and needs of the present hour. Assist me during life and at the hour of death, that it may be well with me for everlasting years. Amen.
Intention: Strong and Mature Faith
Thought: Hold firmly on to what you already have. Rv 2:25
Prayer: Here I am again, dear St. Dymphna, to present my needs to you. High on the list, as you know, is a strong and mature faith.
Ours are hectic times and confusion seems to be the normal thing. The faith of many is wavering and a loud chorus proclaims: “Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die and there is nothing beyond the grave.”
Many are dismayed by the changes in the Church, the liturgy, and the presentation of religious truths. Some are afraid their faith may totally collapse.
My own faith should have greater strength and maturity. I need a powerful faith to carry me through the dark nights that hold no promise of a sunrise. A strong and adult faith will guide me like a beacon to a blessed eternity.
Intercede for me, dear St. Dymphna, that my faith may be firm. Then I shall take God at His word. I shall look to Him for guidance, and give less attention to noisy prophets of the day. May your faith be my inspiration, your prayers my constant source of help. Amen..
Reflection: All created things may fail us, those we trusted most may turn against us, but God is faithful. He will be your mainstay, your rock, your refuge in toil and trouble.
Day Five
Dear St. Dymphna, I come to you daily during this novena to expose my wants and troubles. I firmly believe that your delicate charity will hear my plea for help.
You know the temporal and spiritual favors I need at this time. Look down graciously upon me and obtain these favors for me from God, the infinitely kind giver of all good things.
O blessed St. Dymphna, I trust in your protection to be preserved from all bodily and spiritual perils. May I be just and prudent, patient and strong, gentle and kind. From you I await inspiration and encouragement to pursue my vocation, to give glory to my Creator, and to win eternal salvation.
Be mindful of me especially in the dangers and needs of the present hour. Assist me during life and at the hour of death, that it may be well with me for everlasting years. Amen.
Intention: Courage in Trails
Thought: Courage! Do not be afraid. (Isaiah 35:4)
Prayer: Dear St. Dymphna, I plead with you today to share your courage with me.
You endured martyrdom in your early teens with courage that makes my blush when I recal my own cowardice. You never asked that life’s pathway be made smooth. You walked forward bravely, your hand in God’s hand.
I admit I’ve never quite managed to imitate you. When trouble hits, I look for a shoulder to cry on. I, who admire heroes, play the coward too often.
You, dear St. Dymphna, were made of sterner stuff. Your heroic example shows me how to say “yes” to God, no matter what He asks. When I compare my live to yours, the difference shames me deeply. When will I conduct myself with the fortitude so becoming in a follower of Christ?
Pray for me that it may be so. Your intercession will help me to meet every crisis with courage like yours. Then I shall show myself a true disciple of the Lord. Amen.
Reflection: Let not our Lord ever have to say to you, as He did to the Apostles, “Oh you of little faith, why did you doubt?”
Day Six
Novena Prayer
Dear St. Dymphna, I come to you daily during this novena to expose my wants and troubles. I firmly believe that your delicate charity will hear my plea for help.
You know the temporal and spiritual favors I need at this time. Look down graciously upon me and obtain these favors for me from God, the infinitely kind giver of all good things.
O blessed St. Dymphna, I trust in your protection to be preserved from all bodily and spiritual perils. May I be just and prudent, patient and strong, gentle and kind. From you I await inspiration and encouragement to pursue my vocation, to give glory to my Creator, and to win eternal salvation.
Be mindful of me especially in the dangers and needs of the present hour. Assist me during life and at the hour of death, that it may be well with me for everlasting years. Amen.
Intention: Relatives and Friends
Thought: In life he has had the joy of his company. (Si 30:5)
Dear St. Dymphna, once more I greet you and thank your for your constant help. Today I should like to pray especially for my relatives and friends.
With all my faults and weak points, they must sometimes find it hard to be patient with me, to bear with my mannerisms and whatever else in me that may irritate them. Now, if only I were move lovable, my changed disposition would bring more sunshine into their lives.
God grant that this may be. It’s urgent that I amend my faults that get on other’s nerves.
Dear St. Dymphna, please pray to the Lord for my relatives and friends. Implore for them all the blessings they need. Keep a watchful eye on them during their earthly pilgrimage. With your constant aid they will have a safe journey through life, a blessed death in the Lord, and eternal joy with Him in the kingdom of heaven. Amen.
Reflection: Be careful always to show your relatives and friends frequent evidence of your regard. Look for an opportunity to pay them honor, extol their virtues, and thank them.
Day Seven
Novena Prayer
Dear St. Dymphna, I come to you daily during this novena to
expose my wants and troubles. I firmly believe that your delicate charity will
hear my plea for help.
You know the temporal and spiritual favors I need at this time. Look down graciously upon me and obtain these favors for me from God, the infinitely kind giver of all good things.
O blessed St. Dymphna, I trust in your protection to be preserved from all bodily and spiritual perils. May I be just and prudent, patient and strong, gentle and kind. From you I await inspiration and encouragement to pursue my vocation, to give glory to my Creator, and to win eternal salvation.
Be mindful of me especially in the dangers and needs of the present hour. Assist me during life and at the hour of death, that it may be well with me for everlasting years. Amen.
Intention: Those who have Injured Us
Thought: Love your enemies. (Matthew 5:44)
Prayer: Dear St. Dymphna, our Blessed Savior wants us to love our enemies, to do good to those who hate us, to pray for those who persecute us.
So far, the successes I have scored in these respects have been rather slight. Spiteful, unforgiving thoughts still come so easily to my mind. Sometimes I get grouchy and assume a cold air toward those who have been unkind to me. Airing my grievances is a habit with me.
You know, dear Saint, how far from perfect my conduct is. Please help me to improve, and remove resentment from my heart.
May the Lord bless those who have injured me, and direct them in the paths of holiness. May He hear your prayers for them, and bestow upon us all the graces we need.
This I ask for the honor of Christ, who forgave His enemies on the Cross. Amen.
If we love only our friends, how are we any better than the heathens for even they do that? We prove our love for Christ by loving our enemies and doing good to them.
Eighth Day
Novena Prayer
Dear St. Dymphna, I come to you daily during this novena to expose my wants and troubles. I firmly believe that your delicate charity will hear my plea for help.
You know the temporal and spiritual favors I need at this time. Look down graciously upon me and obtain these favors for me from God, the infinitely kind giver of all good things.
O blessed St. Dymphna, I trust in your protection to be preserved from all bodily and spiritual perils. May I be just and prudent, patient and strong, gentle and kind. From you I await inspiration and encouragement to pursue my vocation, to give glory to my Creator, and to win eternal salvation.
Be mindful of me especially in the dangers and needs of the present hour. Assist me during life and at the hour of death, that it may be well with me for everlasting years. Amen.
Intention: The Grace of Gratitude
Thought: Give thanks to God, for He is good. (Psalm 118:1)
Dear St. Dymphna, I’m one of those who don’t know how to say thanks to God. It’s easy for me to recite my “gimme” prayers; but I am tongue-tied when the time comes to express my gratitude.
I take God’s gifts for granted – when I should take them with gratitude! I hang on to the gifts and forget the giver. Yet gratitude should be a way of life for me. When will the remembrance of His goodness and mercy make my lips quick to praise?
Dear St. Dymphna, pray that I may remedy my lack of gratitude. Remind me to count my blessings. Let sincere appreciation be my special trait from this day forward.
Teach me to bless the Lord for the bitter and the sweet, for failure and success, for every material and spiritual good. Help me to make every day a time of glad and humble thanksgiving. May I rejoice in His gifts and use them for His glory. Amen.
Reflection: The word, “Eucharist,” means thanksgiving. It is always good to give thanks to the Lord, and to all those thorough whom He helps us.
Ninth Day
Novena Prayer
Dear St. Dymphna, I come to you daily during this novena to expose my wants and troubles. I firmly believe that your delicate charity will hear my plea for help.
You know the temporal and spiritual favors I need at this time. Look down graciously upon me and obtain these favors for me from God, the infinitely kind giver of all good things.
O blessed St. Dymphna, I trust in your protection to be preserved from all bodily and spiritual perils. May I be just and prudent, patient and strong, gentle and kind. From you I await inspiration and encouragement to pursue my vocation, to give glory to my Creator, and to win eternal salvation.
Be mindful of me especially in the dangers and needs of the present hour. Assist me during life and at the hour of death, that it may be well with me for everlasting years. Amen.
Intention: Peace on our Days
Thought: For God is not the God of disorder but of peace. (Corinthians 14;33)
Dear St. Dymphna, the blessed days of “peace on earth” still elude us. God’s children cannot get along together, and the world’s game of guilt and blood continues. Justice, good will, and peace on an international scale are still lacking among men and nations.
There is much talk of peace. All people desire it. Millions endure agonies of body or spirit because of the effects of war. When will the world know unity, concord, and fraternal harmony?
Dear St. Dymphna, pray that w may do the works of peace. May our times of space exploration and lunar landings usher in an era of universal harmony and the peaceful development of peoples.
Pray with us all, dear martyr, that God may lead the world out of darkness into the bright light of peace. This I ask in the name of the Prince of Peace. Amen.
Reflection: Our best contribution to peace is to cultivate it first in ur own hears, our own homes, and to be peacemakers at our place of work, and in our own parish.