Prayers of Devotion to Saint Jude
1. Prayers to Saint Jude
St. Jude,
glorious apostle, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the name of the traitor
has caused you to be forgotten by many, but the true Church invokes you
universally as the Patron of things despaired of; pray for me, who am so
miserable; pray for me that finally I may receive the consolations and the aid
of Heaven in all my necessities, tribulations, and sufferings, particularly (here
make your request), and that I may bless God with the Elect
throughout Eternity. Amen.
2. Most holy apostle, St. Jude, faithful servant and friend of Jesus, the church honors and invokes you universally, as the patron of hopeless cases, of things almost despaired of. Pray for me, I am so helpless and alone. Make use, I implore you, of that particular privilege given to you, to bring visible and speedy help where help is almost despaired of. Come to my assistance in this great need that I may receive the consolation and help of heaven in all my necessities, tribulations, and sufferings, particularly (make your request) and that I may praise God with you and all the elect forever. I promise, O blessed St. Jude, to be ever mindful of this great favor, to always honor you as my special and powerful patron, and to gratefully encourage devotion to you. Amen.
3. A Prayer for Mothers
Most holy Apostle, St. Jude, friend of Jesus, I pray to you on behalf of all mothers. Help them to understand and appreciate their unique participation in the creation of life, and the value of nurturing their children and teaching the values and skills they will need to be responsible adults. Ask our loving God to bless all mothers as they take on the joys and sorrows of motherhood, to strengthen them when they falter, to help them live each day with the comforting warmth of His love, and to remember all mothers who have died as they experience eternal peace in our Lord Jesus Christ.
4. Prayer to St. Jude for Physical Healing
O Holy St.
Jude, you witnessed the healing power of our Lord Jesus Christ, and experienced
His compassion for the sick and dying. As His faithful apostle, you touched
those who were ill, shared the sorrows of the mournful, and encouraged the
Because of your zeal and great love, God has granted you healing power to work wonders, to cure the incurable, and to restore people to good health.
I ask you to bring my petition before Almighty God, asking that He bestow His saving grace to heal the sickness and suffering of (here mention name). Through your intercession, may Christ encourage our despondent spirits and inspire hope in our hearts. Amen.
5. Prayer to St. Jude for Healing
Lord Jesus Christ, I come before You in need of healing for body and soul, for heart and spirit. I find great confidence, strength and support in the heavenly intercession our dear St. Jude, my protector and friend.
Through him I ask You to increase my faith, strengthen my hope, and help me to live my life with deep and abiding love for You and for others. Amen.
Prayer List
6. Prayer to St. Jude for the Healing of a Marriage
Dear St. Jude, during your life you encouraged the first Christians to be loyal and true to their faith, even amidst the harshest and most difficult circumstances. Like these early followers of Christ, my spouse and I now find ourselves in need of renewed faith. Painful experiences, stressful events and the pressures of married life have weakened our relationship.
Intercede for us, St. Jude, and show us how to heal our marriage. Open our hearts, minds and spirits to be willing to rededicate ourselves to a renewed relationship, guided by the love and commitment we once knew. Help us put aside any bitterness, angry arguments, negative thoughts and misunderstandings. Lead us to be sensitive to the burdens and problems that weigh heavy on our shoulders, accepting of each others’ limitations and forgiving of one another’s faults.
Willing to embrace the compassionate love of Our Divine Savior, may our marriage advance in faith, hope and love. Amen.
7. Prayer to St. Jude for the Healing of Relationships
Blessed Saint Jude, I come to you in distress regarding a precious relationship
in my life. Please heal our heats and renew our spirits. Beg
Almighty God to give us the light to see ourselves and each other as we truly
are. Help us to grow daily in self-knowledge and mutual love, while at the
same time expanding our ability to love and to be loved.
Assist us, dear Saint Jude, to realize and to reject every occurrence of selfishness, vanity, and childish self-seeking, the hidden enemies of love and maturity in our lives. Show us that by growing in love and being filled with love, we may assist, complement and nurture each other as we seek harmony, unity, peace and joy in our lives together. Amen.
8. Prayer to St. Jude in the morning
St. Jude, giver of hope, let the promise of this new day fill me with wonder. Goodness surrounds me this morning. The sun rising to greet the earth recalls the joy of Easter morning, when Christ’s light showed the world His glory. St. Jude, place a spark of hope in my heart, and ignite in me a fire burning with the love of God. Bless me in my work today. Help me to forgive readily and to know and do God’s holy and true will. May everything that I am bring glory to God, and lead me closer to him. Amen.
9. Prayer to St. Jude for the Healing of Relationships
O Blessed Saint Jude, I come to you in distress regarding a precious relationship in my life. Please heal our heats and renew our spirits. Beg Almighty God to give us the light to see ourselves and each other as we truly are. Help us to grow daily in self-knowledge and mutual love, while at the same time expanding our ability to love and to be loved.
Assist us, dear Saint Jude, to realize and to reject every occurrence of selfishness, vanity, and childish self-seeking, the hidden enemies of love and maturity in our lives. Show us that by growing in love and being filled with love, we may assist, complement and nurture each other as we seek harmony, unity, peace and joy in our lives together. Amen.
Prayer List
10. Prayer to St. Jude
Jude, cousin and friend of Jesus during His life on earth, you were chosen by
Christ to be His Apostle and to learn directly from Him the message of His
redeeming love; join us now in prayer before the Father. We acknowledge
your apostolic role in forming the foundation of Christ's Church and in taking
to many distant lands the message of Christ's love for all people. We
rejoice at your generous love for Christ and humanity, which ended in martyrdom.
We fully believe you now exult in the happiness of heaven and share forever
friendship and intimacy with Jesus. Perhaps because you and Judas, the
betrayer of Jesus, share a common name, your role as an Apostle and friend of
Christ was once forgotten; But now we pray to you as the patron of hopeless
cases and desperate situations. Now we ask your help.
As sinners we are aware of the complete trust we must have in God's mercy and love. Intercede with God to give us the strong faith to live with the sorrows and trials of life. Help us to see in our troubles God's guiding hand. We ask for your intercession with God for our present needs. As the words of scripture once touched your heart, open our hearts to hear those words and reflect on Jesus, the Word of God.
11. Prayer for Tomorrow
St. Jude, you are with me in all that is new. May your path of hope be mine in the days ahead. I promise in faith to share your hope with others, to forgive as I am forgiven by my Father in heaven, and to show sympathy and kindness at every opportunity.
Guide me, St. Jude, so that I will begin each new day with gratitude on my lips, with truth on my mind, and with hope in my heart.
Challenge me, St. Jude, so that I will end each day reflecting on my actions and motivations so that I will grow in faith, love, and hope. Amen.
12. Prayer
Oh, great St. Jude, Apostle and servant of Jesus, by your humility, faith and courage, you have earned special favor with our Savior. I beg you then to please hear my prayer and intercede with Jesus for me. Through the ages, no petition, no matter how great or small, has been known to be beyond the scope of your attention and compassion.
In the spirit of your own humility, yet conscious of the power of your intercession, I dare to plead with you, O beloved Saint of the Impossible, to grant (mention your need). I ask this in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen.
13. Prayer
St. Jude, with faith in your goodness, we ask your help today. As one of
Christ’s chosen Apostles, you remain a pillar and foundation of His Church on
earth. You are counted, we know, among the elders who always stand before God’s
From your place of glory we know you do not forget the needs and difficulties of Christ’s little ones here, still struggling, like me, on the way home to God. Please intercede for us all, gracious St. Jude, and be with us in our daily toil and in all our necessities. In Christ’s name, we appeal to you again today. Amen.
14. Prayer
Glorious St. Jude Thaddeus, you are renowned among the holy apostles for your kinship with Christ and your remarkable physical resemblance to our Savior. Help us, St. Jude, to remain always close to Christ, and to resemble Him also, as you did, in our outlook and actions.
Holy apostle, St. Jude Thaddeus, you are rightly venerated for your work of preaching the gospel and for your faithfulness to Christ by a martyr’s death. Assist us, St. Jude, to preach the good news of Christ by our example and to remain steadfast in His service, as you were in all our earthly trials.
You are celebrated, St. Jude Thaddeus, cousin of our Lord and Savior, as the patron of hopeless cases, and in things almost despaired of. Pray now for us, St. Jude, and help us in our most pressing need. By your goodness give prompt relief in tribulation and suffering. We glorify your name always for your mercy and compassion to those in difficulty. Amen.
St. Jude Thaddeus, holy apostle, and cousin of Christ, we venerate your name and honor you for your fidelity to God’s call and for your labor of teaching and preaching His word. By your powerful intercession, please assist us in our pressing needs, help us grow in the likeness of Christ, and keep us faithful to Him until death.
May the mercy, peace, and love of God
Always be yours in fullest measure.
15. Invocations to Saint Jude
Jude, cousin of Jesus,
listen to our prayer!
St. Jude, Apostle of Christ,
listen to our prayer!
St. Jude, who shared in the love of the Blessed Mother for Jesus and
His disciples,
listen to our prayer!
St. Jude, who was present at the Last Supper, to celebrate the Holy
Eucharist with Jesus,
listen to our prayer!
St. Jude, who suffered during the passion and death of Jesus,
listen to our prayer!
St. Jude, who witnessed the glorious Ascension of Christ into heaven,
listen to our prayer!
St. Jude, filled with the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost,
listen to our prayer!
St. Jude, who drew many people to the faith,
listen to our prayer!
St. Jude, who worked many wonders through power of the Holy Spirit,
listen to our prayer!
St. Jude, martyr for Christ,
listen to our prayer!
St. Jude, patron of the despairing,
listen to our prayer!
St. Jude, intercessor for difficult cases,
listen to our prayer!
St. Jude, consoler of the distressed,
listen to our prayer!
Prayer List
16. Intercessory Prayer To Saint Jude
God will grant wisdom, and prudence to our Holy Father, Pope _____, to our
Bishop ______, to other bishops, priests, deacons, ministers, and the leaders of
all nations, states, and communities,
St. Jude, intercede for us!
That the light of the true faith will be brought to all people,
St. Jude, intercede for us!
That the church will be strengthened with an abundance of priestly,
religious, and lay vocations,
St. Jude, intercede for us!
That all nations will strive to live in peace and with respect for other
St. Jude, intercede for us!
That the poor and hungry people of our Earth will find nourishment,
St. Jude, intercede for us!
That all people will be given the mental and emotional strength to live
Christ's love amid life's challenges,
St. Jude, intercede for us!
That the ties of love and affection among family members will be
St. Jude, intercede for us!
That God will protect families from violence, on the streets and in the
St. Jude, intercede for us!
That our family members and friends suffering from drug, alcohol, and
other addictions might have a spiritual awakening and commit to their own
St. Jude, intercede for us!
That those who suffer from cancer and other life threatening illnesses
will find strength and hope in their faith,
St. Jude, intercede for us!
That those we love will be blessed with health and that the sick,
especially those on our parish prayer list, will regain their health according
to God's holy will,
St. Jude, intercede for us!
All: God of hope come to me. Help me to know that your hope is alive in me as I offer kindness, forgiveness, and tenderness to others. I seek the inner calm that comes from trusting in you. Give me the courage to be aware of your healing presence. May I trust that St. Jude walks with me in times of trouble and intercedes on my behalf. St. Jude, fill my heart with hope. Amen.
17. Prayer to St. Jude
Blessed Apostle, St. Jude, we call upon you for help in hope and utmost confidence. St. Jude, renowned help of the hopeless, come to our aid in this time of distress. St. Jude, cousin of our Lord, obtain from our Savior the favors we now need and seek, (mention your needs).
18. Prayer to St. Jude Thaddeus For Healing
Most Holy Apostle, Saint Jude, patron saint of impossible causes, I place myself in your care. With fervent trust and confidence, I seek your heavenly intercession. Pray for me in my times of need. Help me realize each day that I am not alone when facing sickness, disease, suffering or sorrow.
Assist me now, dear Saint Jude, in petitioning Almighty God for strength when I am in distress, courage to overcome my anxieties, and the gift of a complete healing of mind and body. Ask our Loving Lord to deepen my faith and steadfast conviction in His healing power, and to bless me with the graces necessary to accept whatever may lie ahead for me and for my loved ones.
Thank you, O Holy Saint Jude, for the promise of hope you offer to all who believe. Inspire me always to offer this gift of hope to others. Amen.
19. Dedication Prayer to St. Jude Thaddeus
you, Lord Jesus Christ, mediator and brother, I offer my prayers today. I
acknowledge the special friendship that your Apostle, St. Jude, has with you.
To his love and friendship with you, I unite my prayers. I praise and
thank God for your supreme love and friendship with the human family. I
join my prayers intimately with your generous death on the Cross. To this
enduring act of praise of God, through which all people are made pleasing to the
Father, I unite my prayers.
I join my prayers today to the Eucharist, which renews in me the loving act of your death and resurrection, and expresses most perfectly the fulfillment of my final union with you. Be present with me today and each day of my life. Deepen my love for the Father and all others. May these graces and favors for which I pray be granted through you, who live and reign with the Father in union with the Holy Spirit, God forever and ever. Amen.
20. Prayer in Great Affliction
St. Jude Thaddeus, relative of Jesus Christ, glorious Apostle and martyr, renowned for your virtues and miracles, faithful and prompt intercessor for all who honor you and trust in you!
You are a powerful patron and helper in great affliction. I entreat you from the depths of my heart: come to my aid with your powerful intercession, for you have received from God the privilege to assist with your visible help those who almost despair of all hope. Look down upon me. Time and again I find myself discouraged and depressed by the troubles I must face. I know that others around me have burdens as heavy or heavier than mine, but I sometimes come close to despairing that I will be able to continue carrying mine.
Overwhelmed by these thoughts, I ask your help. Do not forsake me in sadness. Hasten to my aid. I will be grateful to you all my life and will honor you as my special patron. I will thank God for the graces bestowed upon you, and will encourage honor to you to the best of my ability. Amen.
Prayer List
21. Prayer of Hope
God of hope, come to me. Help me to know that your hope is alive in me as I offer kindness, forgiveness, and tenderness to others. I seek the inner calm that comes from trusting in you. Give me the courage to be aware of your healing presence. May I trust that St. Jude walks with me in times of trouble and intercedes on my behalf. St. Jude, fill my heart with hope. Amen.
22. Prayer of Thanksgiving
Lord Jesus Christ, we thank you for all the graces and favors which you have given me through the prayers of your Apostle, St. Jude Thaddeus. Great apostle, St. Jude, I thank you for your intercession in response to my prayers. I will always be grateful to you. Continue to intercede for my needs and my difficulties. Be with me particularly at the hour of death that I may face that decisive moment with courage and serenity. Amen.