Novena Prayer to Saint Anthony
of Padua
Gentle St. Anthony, I beg your heavenly assistance in my necessities. Conscious of my own sinfulness and unworthiness, and of your great favor with God, I confidently implore your aid. Help me, then, to honor you by imitating your virtues and example, and thus to please God in all I do. Amen.
indeed have sorrow now." (Jn 16:22) Lovable St. Anthony, in your life you
often had to make difficult decisions. You can appreciate, then, the hard
choices I must make in order to be faithful to Christ today. Kindly come
to my aid, and secure for me from God all the graces I so greatly need.
"Go . . . and make disciples of all nations." (Mt 28:19) Zealous St. Anthony, you ardently desired to go as a missionary to those who did not know Christ. Instead, God chose you to preach the Gospel at home by word and example. Help me to imitate your missionary zeal that I may preach the Gospel to those around me by leading a truly Christian life. Amen.
"Whoever humbles himself shall be exalted." (Mt 23:12) Humble St. Anthony, despite your learning and talents, you gladly did the lowliest tasks in imitation of our Savior's example. Assist me today in overcoming my pride so that I may without pretense love even those who may wish me harm, and that I may desire only to love Christ as you did. Amen.
"Whoever has seen me has seen the Father." (Jn 14:9) Dear St. Anthony, how devoted you were to the child Jesus! By your love for Christ aid me now in pondering daily the mysteries of ChrIst's life, death, and resurrection, and in reproducing their fruit in my actions. Help me also to search the Scriptures, as you did, so that I, too, may have the mind of Christ. Amen.
"Those that sow in tears shall reap rejoicing." (Ps 126:5) Joyful St. Anthony, you daily ascended the altar of God, the God of gladness and joy. Please aid me to know the joy of imitating Christ as you did, and to be ever grateful to God for the graces He bestows so freely on those devoted to you. May the joy of our Redemption sustain me in every trial I encounter each day. Amen.
"I also saw a new Jerusalem, the holy city." (Rv 21:2) Glorious St. Anthony, how widely you traveled in preaching the Gospel! Yet, your eyes ever remained fixed on your heavenly goal. In your kindness, come now to my aid, and help me to realize that I am but a pilgrim journeying through this life, on route to a lasting home with God in the heavenly Jerusalem. Amen.
who seek the Lord want for no good thing." (Ps 34:11) Faithful St.
Anthony, you possessed in abundance the gift of faith. Weak and wavering
as I so often am, I stand in need of greater faith to rely always on God's
promises to us in time of trial and temptation. In your goodness, obtain
for me from God an increase in the divine gift of faith. Amen.
"Take courage all you who hope in the Lord." (Ps 31:25) Courageous St. Anthony, the Lord endowed you with magnificent powers during your short life, and even more abundantly after death. Assist me by your intercession now to stir up within me the Holy Spirit's gift of fortitude so that I may always be faithful in doing god's will. Amen.
"Yet not my will but yours be done." (Lk 22:42) Prudent St. Anthony, how well aware you were in your life that all peace and joy abides in God's will for our happiness. By your prayers for me now help me to see our heavenly Father's good and gracious purpose at work in all the events of life, both the sweet and the bitter. May I sincerely pray, "Thy will be done." Amen.